
Your time at Carroll was only the beginning of your journey. Starting the day after graduation, 我们的23,000+ alumni are making a difference in communities around the world. 本节包含更新, news and stories about the individuals we're proud to call Carroll alumni family. 

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Wellness Advocates Create Well-being Across 校园

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges have observed a marked increase in students struggling with transitional issues, particularly those related to mental health and emotional well-being. The pandemic disrupted the typical middle and high school experiences, leading to a new generation of students who missed out on crucial social development during their formative years. Many of these students, now in college, are grappling with heightened anxiety and self-doubt. They often find themselves in a unique position: needing support that falls between informal peer advice and formal clinical therapy. This has been compounded by lessened social integration due to COVID-19 restrictions.

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